Vilnius Theater "Lėlė" • Neakivaizdinis Vilnius

Vilnius Theater “Lėlė”

Theater “Lėlė” is located in the old town of Vilnius, in the former palace of the Counts Oginskij, it has two halls, a creative studio and a permanent exposition of the “Living Puppet Museum” (Lit. „Gyvojo lėlių muziejaus“) in the basement.

Theater performances based on Lithuanian and world folk tales, as well as motifs from well-known works. Also puppet and drama performances for adults based on national dramaturgy and classics of world literature. Performances are created by well-known drama theater and young generation artists from different fields of stage art, professional actors and puppeteers, highly qualified and skilled puppet masters and constructors.

Performances have repeatedly won awards at international and national professional theater festivals. Since 1966 The theater participates in the festivals of the international organization of puppeteers, UNIMA; as well as in the activities of ASSITEJ, an international theater organization for children and youth.

The creators of “Lėlė” try to make the theater open to both the best traditions of puppet theater and valuable trends of modern theater. And the most important thing – it would remain interesting and necessary!


Susiję maršrutai

Skaidrė 151

The Pipe Organs of Vilnius
