The Museum of Wooden Urban Architecture

The Wooden City Architecture Museum, a branch of the Directorate of Vilnius Memorial Museums, is a unique museum that presents the heritage of Vilnius’ wooden architecture, introducing historical and contemporary, ecological, sustainable wooden urban architecture.

The exposition reveals the specifics of the work of different professions working with wooden architecture, as well as the technologies and methods of constructing wooden buildings. Small museum visitors are invited to get to know wooden architecture by touch, sound, smell and creativity.

The museum was founded in 2019 and from 2022 May 18 operates in one of the most beautiful wooden architectural heritage objects in Vilnius – the building on Polocko g. 52, Užupis. During the reconstruction of the building, the authentic architectural elements of the building, carvings of carpenters, polychromy of the walls were preserved, so this wooden object of cultural heritage is also called the main exhibit of the museum.

Skaidrė 11

Expedition on the ‘Eastern Express’ 6G bus
