Meadows in Vilnius
Did you know that Vilnius was the first city in Lithuania to intentionally and purposefully protect its urban meadows? In less-visited places, meadows are mowed once or several times a year, allowing the wild plants that grow there – corn flower (centaureas), widow flowers, Baltic marsh orchids or spring cowslips – to flower, germinate, and self-sow new seeds in the same meadow. In addition, the flowers of the plants are an important food source for a wide range of insects, such as the European Golden Plover, which is protected throughout Europe, as well as bumblebees, individual bees, flies, and beetles. Of course, the more insects there are in a natural space, the more birds and other animals frequent the meadow to feed on them. Vilnius meadows are home to white wagtails, sparrows, starlings, goldfinches, and other birds. Did you know that hedgehogs also call the small oases of nature in the centre of Vilnius home? Oh, yes, those very cute balls of needles live here! For them, the meadows are important for their search for a tasty dinner of earthworms, beetles, caterpillars, and centipedes. Sound gross? To us, maybe, but for hedgehogs, it’s the ultimate delicacy! What’s more, hedgehogs are real hikers – they can walk up to 2 km a night in the city. Unfortunately, they sometimes have to cross the streets, too, so take your time when you drive and protect the hedgehogs of Vilnius! With less mowing, the meadows are gradually becoming more diverse and natural habitats are starting to form, which are not only good for nature, but also for people! What’s more, this way of mowing also helps the city to adapt to climate change, especially when it comes to “heat islands”. Don’t believe it? Check it out for yourself! On a hot summer day, find an unmown meadow, measure its temperature and then compare it with the temperature of the grass lawn next to it. There are many reasons to maintain natural meadows rather than short lawns. From a practical and cost-efficient point of view, meadows help to contain excess rainwater, as the dense root system of the herbaceous vegetation prevents the soil from draining away and acts like a sponge. The water can then evaporate more evenly, meaning that resistance to drought is increased. In such a way, meadows help to prevent flooding – after all, as fun as kayaking is, we don’t really want to be forced to kayak through the streets after a downpour. As you have already learned, meadows also support and promote biodiversity, and are home to many organisms. And we must remember that they help humans too! When was the last time you walked barefoot in a meadow? Have you recently taken pleasure in soaking up the view of a meadow in bloom and the ‘after-party’ that goes on there? Meadows help us to relax, create oases of peace, and simply delight the eye with their colours! You, too, can help protect meadows. If you have a lawn near your home or garden, consider leaving some of it unmown. Or you could put off cutting the grass for as long as possible, for example, until the end of May, and mow your lawn less frequently. Let the plants mature, and watch the life begin to flourish in the oasis you have created!
More information on mowing meadows (available in Lithuanian):
Select the ‘Mowing areas in the city’ layer of the map [‘Šienavimo plotai mieste‘ under the ‘Tvarkomos miesto teritorijos’]: