
‘Neakivaizdinis Vilnius’ – an idea that encourages Vilnius residents and visitors to rediscover the capital

Vilnius is so familiar and yet so undiscovered

It seemed that everything was so familiar, widely discussed and already visited – the majestic Cathedral, Gedimino Tower overlooking the city, the labyrinthine streets of the Old Town, Konstitucijos prospektas with its sky-scrapers, cosy St. Ona’s church snuggled up to Bernardinių Gardens. So much, but is it all there is? Beyond the city centre lies an undiscovered Vilnius. Not to mention the fact that in every street of the Old Town, too, there are gates lining the well-trodden pavements, so when we pass by, it is time to stop and glance through the keyhole.

A reason to rediscover the capital

This is how ‘Neakivaizdinis Vilnius’ was born – an idea that encourages Vilnius residents and guests to get to know the alternative side of Vilnius. From little-known historical and cultural sites, exceptional personalities, untrodden streets and crossroads, the mysteries of the centre and the periphery… to bars, cafes, and entertainment – everything the city has kept to itself for some time. However, as with all of us, joyful discoveries are those you can share with others.

Study Vilnius, not just study in the city

‘Neakivaizdinis Vilnius’ invites people from all over Lithuania to join us in studying Vilnius. There are no imposed interests or compulsory topics here – you choose the study field according to what is interesting to you. Maybe that’s studies that tell the stories of the neighbourhood districts on the outskirts of the city. Or maybe art studios – building paths through the most photogenic places of the city passing by the walls of buildings that have been turned into canvases? Interested in literature? You can walk around Vilnius as if it were the pages of a book. Naturally, after intensively exploring the city, it is time to relax, so in the ‘After lectures’ section, you will find a range of unexpected ways to unwind – from niche shops, gourmet suggestions, unexpected entertainment and activities to art spaces or the lesser-known green areas of Vilnius.

Let's connect

If you have any questions or suggestions, please get in touch with us. We are looking forward to receiving your press releases, questions about routes, itineraries, or other website content and communication initiatives at labas@neakivaizdinis.lt. If you are interested in becoming distribution points for the printed magazine or would like to be featured in the ‘After lectures’ section, please contact partneriams@neakivaizdinis.lt