List of natural sciences literature • Neakivaizdinis Vilnius

List of natural sciences literature

Rūta Baškytė and Paulius Kavaliauskas ‘Vilniaus regioniniai parkai: atgyja, vilioja, dabina’   (2002, Lututė) [Vilnius Regional Parks: coming alive, enticing, beautifying]

An informative publication for travellers and nature lovers about the Verkiai and Pavilniai Regional Parks in Vilnius. It describes the natural and cultural heritage values of the parks, covering places and objects of interest, and maps of the regional parks are included. The publication is generously illustrated with photographs.

Nijolė Balčiūnienė ‘Abipus Neries’ (2008, ARS VITA) [‘On Both Sides of the Neris’]

In this book, geographer and passionate organiser and leader of hikes for Vilnius residents Nijolė Balčiūnienė shares the information she has gathered over the years about the banks of the Vilnia and the Neris, other water bodies of Vilnius, and their importance for our lives. This is a book for those who want to get to know the Pavilniai and Verkiai Regional Parks.

Albertas Vitkus ‘Verkiai. Istorija ir dabartis’ (2010, Mintis) [Verkiai. Past & Today]

This bilingual informational book provides a concentrated and comprehensive coverage of Verkiai – not only in the narrow sense of the place, a manor house with a palace, but also the Verkiai Regional Park, covering the period from pagan times to the future vision of Verkiai.

It is a guide for independent tourists who want to discover and explore an exceptional natural and architectural monument and get to know Lithuania’s cultural and natural heritage.

Compiled by Inga Raubaitė ‘Žemės menas Vilniaus universiteto Botanikos sode’ (2019, Vilniaus universiteto leidykla) [Land Art at the Botanical Garden of Vilnius University, Vilnius University Press]

The album presents works of environmental art created in the Botanical Garden of Vilnius University in Kairėnai from 2005 to 2016. In these exhibitions, artists from various fields of art: sculptors, ceramicists, textile artists, painters, florists, and other artistic disciplines created and exhibited their works from materials found in natural surroundings. Land art works are temporary, influenced by the environment and time, and are constantly changing until they eventually decay or disappear. This photo album is a great opportunity to showcase and immortalise land and environmental artworks that have already disappeared.

Vykintas Vaitkevičius ‘Neris. 2007 metų ekspedicija (III knyga)’ (2013, Mintis) [Neris. Expedition of 2007 (Book III)]

In the summer of 1857, Count Konstanty Tyszkiewicz (Tiškevičius) (1806-1868) organised a scientific expedition on the Neris River. His diary in Polish became a unique book. The Neris and its banks are presented from the point of view of a hydrographer, historian, archaeologist and ethnographer. 150 years later, Lithuanian and Belarusian travellers repeated Tyszkiewicz’s route and a team of scientists, led by Dr. Vykintas Vaitkevičius, explored the Neris and its banks for 28 days: they explored the source of the river on foot, and sailed the remaining 463 km by inflatable raft.

The third book of the 2007 expedition is devoted to the most interesting part of the expedition – the stretch of the Neris between Vilnius and Kernavė. In Vilnius, the author takes a historical view of the Neris, telling the story of the city’s fishermen and rivermen, who are inextricably linked to trade, the historic Neris fleet, and the history of the Lukiškės pier.