The Vilnius Calvary Way of the Cross

The Way of the Cross was established in the Verkiai Forest in the second half of the 17th century, attracting pilgrims from the most distant surroundings. It is still one of the most important religious sites in Lithuania today. Even if you are a stranger to Christianity, it is worth trying out this meticulously designed route, which follows the topography of the city of Jerusalem as closely as possible. Walking along the route, which meanders for about 7 km, you will see the Mount of Olives, Zion and Golgotha in Vilnius, and cross the Kidron Valley. It’s worth bringing an empty bottle – halfway along you’ll pass a spring whose water is said by locals to be rejuvenating. The experience is enhanced by short scenes from the Holy Scriptures. The route starts at the ‘Pušyno Kelias’ sanatorium (Pušyno kel. 23) and ends at the Baroque Church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross.

Skaidrė 12

Experience a History Of Your Own Pilgrimage in Vilnius
