"Rosehip Vegan Bistro" (Pylimo g.) • Neakivaizdinis Vilnius

“Rosehip Vegan Bistro” (Pylimo g.)

A plant-based food spot that appeals to both omnivores and vegans. The bistro’s menu includes international cuisine, with Asian, Mexican, burgers, hummus, Buddha bowls, desserts and more. It is possible to buy organic products.

Owners would like to recommend

We would single out our Buddha Bowls the most because they are balanced, delicious, hearty and beautiful. Our most popular is the “Buddha bowl” of pink hummus. Also burgers, of which we have 4 types. Among them, the most popular one is with breadfruit, which in its texture and spices somewhat resembles pulled pork. Even in the warm season, we have vegan cold cuts, which immediately became a hit with us.

Additional information

  • Vegan menu
  • Lunch
  • Business lunch

Susiję maršrutai

Skaidrė 137

The Pipe Organs of Vilnius
