Book shop “Juodas šuo”

“Juodas šuo” is a secret-not-secret bookstore of read books, established in an apartment in the old town of Vilnius. The location of the bookstore guarantees adventure. Not every visitor manages to find it, and after finding it, they can smoothly leave the residential building filled with the past. Shakespeare, Picasso or even Arvydas Sabonis stay here! All selected audience, black on white. Constantly migrating and changing, but steadily offering 6,000 different stories. The company of books is solidly complemented by a treasure trove of Lithuanian emigrant literature published in Germany and America after the war, as well as antique books from the interwar period. “Black Dog” awakens and invites you to immerse yourself in the world of books. For those who hesitate about what to read, there is friendly support, for those who cannot find it, a search for rare books, for those who read, there are always new stories.

Susiję maršrutai

Skaidrė 131

White bows, black sheep
