Amor House Of Brownie • Neakivaizdinis Vilnius

Amor House Of Brownie

“House of Brownie” is that magical place that you might not even notice when passing by, but once you find it, you can’t forget it. This cozy sisters’ cafe, located in the very center of Vilnius, Aušros Vartų st. 15, is a great place to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle.

Small but magical, this café not only offers delicious coffee, but also tasty desserts that will warm your heart. Here you can enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee and taste a freshly baked brownie.

“House of Brownie” is a place where you can spend pleasant time with friends, family or just quietly immerse yourself in your thoughts. Every corner of this cafe invites you to relax and enjoy the moment.

If you are looking for a quiet and cozy place to have a cup of coffee and dessert in the city, “House of Brownie” is exactly what you need. Don’t miss the opportunity to discover this little oasis for the heart and palate!

Owners would like to recommend

We recommend you to try a delicious cup of coffee with a sweet brownie. We will also offer incredibly tasty New York-style cookies that you will definitely not be able to resist!

Jei ieškote ramios ir jaukios vietos kavos puodeliui ir desertui mieste, „House of Brownie“ – būtent tai, ko jums reikia. Nepraleiskite progos atrasti šią mažą oazę širdžiai ir gomuriui!

Šeimininkai rekomenduoja paragauti

Rekomenduojame paragauti gardaus kavos puodelio ir nepamiršti paskanauti mūsų gardaus brownie. Taip pat pasiūlysime nepaprastai skanių New York stiliaus sausainių, kuriems tikrai neatsispirsite!

Skaidrė 10

Vilnius as a garden: where potatoes and mulberry trees bloomed
